Lyon Brave

7年前 · 4分钟。 阅读时间 · ~10 ·

Asch Conformity Experiments: I AM ELITIST

Asch Conformity Experiments: I AM ELITIST


Plato and Aristotle were both philosophers from Greece who criticized democracy as a poor form of government because the government would become based on public opinion instead of reason. Public opinion is often wrong because groups conform.  Plato’s thoughts on democracy were that it causes the corruption of people through public opinion and creates rules that make no sense, and  places rulers in roles of leadership that they are not wise enough or honorable enough to hold. Do these criticisms of democracy hold true for the democracy in the world today? Absolutely, that ho Donald Trump became president. Trump purposefully aligned himself with the dumb and ignorant to get the vote. He played on hate and fears to get the vote. How do we go from a graceful man like Obama to an obnoxious man like Trump. The answer is democracy, which is based on public opinion, which is full of big mouths, not smart mouths. 
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The great philosopher Plato thought ides like democracy and equality where a bad thing, because usually the majority of people are dumb, so if we go off the majorities decision, we are probably voting for something dumb. For instance in 2014, the majority vote in Arizona was to lock up illegal immigrants stopped without Identification cards on them without trail. The law the majority of people voted for in AZ, stated that immigrants could be locked up forever, if they were caught without their  paperwork on them.I have lost my ID multiple times. Once I even got my passport stolen. Illegal or not you can easily just not have your identification card on you and that's no reason to go to jail FOREVER.Luckily, we only have the illusion of democracy in this country, and the Supreme Court over turned the majorities stupidity. 

The Asch Conformity Experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s. The experiments revealed the degree to which a person's own opinions are influenced by those of groups. Asch found people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group. Basically, when he asked which straw was longer, people picked A because they saw other people pick A, even though the other straw B was clearly longer and they answered it correctly before they were exposed to other people's answers.

Now, when Barack Obama was first running for president, his competition would often  try to turn voters against him by calling him an elitist. If everyone thinks Brack Obama is a snob, nobody will vote for him right? Being an elitist isn't a bad thing. Being an elitist means you know the longer straw is and stand by B. You don't doubt your intellect because the group doubts theirs. even when everyone else is trying to tell you to pick A. A good leader sees the truth through superior intellect and sticks with B. A good leader is better than the group, which is why they lead it. There is nothing wrong with being an elitist, but it's an efficient form of mudslinging because people get angry about their own inadequacies. 

Dr. Drew Westen, professor of psychology and psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and author of "The Political Brain.""If you think you should be president, by definition you are an elitist, only because you believe that of the 300 million people in America, you are the best person to run it," he said. "There can't be a more elitist statement than that."


The bottom line is people are not equal. Back Obama graduated JD degree magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School. You couldn't get any more elitist than that. He is better educated, better traveled, better spoken, more charismatic and  more handsome than the majority of us and he has specialized knowledge and wisdom, and a great sense of humor. Brack Obama was a great leader, a part of the elite and that's why he was the  is the 44th  president of the United States, and the first African American to serve as U.S. president. First elected to the presidency in 2008, he won a second term in 2012.

Now feel good idealists need to stop lying about situations and people. It’s not productive to lie. It’s productive to tell the truth, and the truth is some people are better than others because they work on themselves more. They work on themselves more because they respect themselves more. World athletes hit the gym every day and monitor their diets carefully. Masterful musicians practice their craft for hundreds if not thousands of hours. World class chiefs just cut bags of potatoes to practice their chopping skills. People who take the time to hone a specialized skill set deserve to be special because they worked for it.


Everyone is so worried about being sensitive and politically correct, that we no longer feel free to call it like we see it. Humans do not share the same worth and this is a lie we have to stop telling ourselves if we want to be successful in a world that doesn’t care if we succeed or end up dead in a parking lot. The good news is we can all add to our value and bring our worth up as soon as we decide to form better habits and routines.

The little choices we make every day, have a snowball effect and they can add to or reduce the quality of our inherent value. Believe it not, it's a choice to run for president, it's a choice to follow the crowds, it's a choice to be stupid because you choose not to read or to adjust your world view even after it has been proven to be destructive.

Humans do not all share the same value or worth. There’s a reason we say Julia Roberts is worth 7 million dollars, and a homeless drunk isn’t even worth the black market value of his kidneys because his kidneys are shot. In the land of idealism, all humans are the same, but we don’t live there. We live in the real world, and in the real world some humans are more valuable than others because they have a certain skill set that they specialize in that makes them more valuable to society and the world at large. Its pompous nativity and idealism to say a drug addict who has been in and out of jail their whole life has the same value as a doctor who came up with some death defying cure.

This conversation is not about people being better than others, or using words like inferior and superior, or right and wrong, but it is a conversation about understanding who you are and what your value is. We all want to have magnificent stories to leave behind, but sometimes life does not write the story we want written about ourselves. Life is a journey and unexpected and miraculous things happen on this journey. Some things we experience are degrading and other elements of life are glorious. I am not going to tell bold lies like life is fair, but I am going to tell you we all have a fighting chance to become anything we want to become, at least in America. We should try our hardest, while we are here to get what we want out of life instead of living passively according to other people‘s terms. Respect yourself enough to live by your terms, not others. Respecting yourself is the key to success. Work harder! Be an elitist. It means you're better.


Lyon Brave

7年前 #12

I also know to get where I want to go, I can't just settle for any school. I can't pick a school based on affordability. I need to go to the best school for my interest and a school with a reputation because people will give me more or less credit depending on where I graduate from. I am being very careful about where I go to grad school. I really feel like if I pick a cheap school I'm going to have a cheap future. It's called investing yourself. I am joining the military on an 8 year contract to afford that prvillege a rich education you speak of and I'm glad there is a path. It's not an obstacle or a hardship...I have a path. I guess what I'm saying by be elitist is be elitist, find a path and don't worry about how easy t was for some people to get there, you just get there too if that's where you want to go

Lyon Brave

7年前 #11

I hear what you are saying about Prvillege but between being able to take out loans even though they suck, and being able to work hard to get scholarships, to even joking the military like me to pay for law school, I think saying that guy had a rich persons education I was denied was bullshit. There is a good chance I will go to prestigious school bc I'm working hard . Hell I was talking to Berkely the other day and they said my marks where good enough, but the next step was the money. The military will help me afford a prvillege day education. Do some people have the prvillege of having their family money pay for Harvard, yes, but do poor people bust their butts and get to Harvard too yes. Someone once said everyone started out with nothing, so being rich or poor is a lie or maybe I just made that up.

Lyon Brave

7年前 #10

I'm going to have to find out more about you and your work I. The future. I've always like the name max. I always thought if I ever had a son I would name him Maximus and of course call him Max for short. #18

Lyon Brave

7年前 #9

Gerald Hecht It probably is a better read the second time around. There is a lot of information to digest. I'm noticing from people's comments the are paying more attention to the title and the word elite, than the articles content

Laurent Boscherini

7年前 #8

Thank you Lyon Brave for sharing your interesting rethoric. Congrats as new Ambassador and your insightful contribution. On the one hand, those who share this feeling about big historical events assume that there is an elite and that its power is great. On the other hand, those who listen carefully to the reports of men apparently involved in the great decisions often do not believe that there is an elite whose powers are of decisive consequence. Both views must be taken into account, but neither is adequate. The way to understand the power of the American elite lies neither solely in recognizing the historic scale of events nor in accepting the personal awareness reported by men of apparent decision. Behind such men and behind the events of history, linking the two, are the major institutions of modern society. These hierarchies of state and corporation and army constitute the means of power; as such they are now of a consequence not before equaled in human history-and at their summits, there are now those command posts of modern society which offer us the sociological key to an understanding of the role of the higher circles in America, so untractable as unbreakable, beyond our common sense , down to earth. Keep going !

Lyon Brave

7年前 #7

You are very bright. Why haven't you written any interesting rhetoric?

Laurent Boscherini

7年前 #6

Thank you Lyon Brave for sharing your interesting rethoric. Congrats as new Ambassador and your insightful contribution. On the one hand, those who share this feeling about big historical events assume that there is an elite and that its power is great. On the other hand, those who listen carefully to the reports of men apparently involved in the great decisions often do not believe that there is an elite whose powers are of decisive consequence. Both views must be taken into account, but neither is adequate. The way to understand the power of the American elite lies neither solely in recognizing the historic scale of events nor in accepting the personal awareness reported by men of apparent decision. Behind such men and behind the events of history, linking the two, are the major institutions of modern society. These hierarchies of state and corporation and army constitute the means of power; as such they are now of a consequence not before equaled in human history-and at their summits, there are now those command posts of modern society which offer us the sociological key to an understanding of the role of the higher circles in America, so untractable as unbreakable, behind our common sense , down-to-earth. Keep going !

CityVP Manjit

7年前 #5

When the purpose of art is to make us think then it is about what we personally want to see in art and when I read your buzz it allowed me to think. There are politicians who are artists and because politicians use frames, one frame is showing Adolf Hitler as an artist but here is an association with someone decidedly evil and so either stomach the fact that Hitler was an artist, or we find fault with it or insist that we should not be focused on the political. I have already said I learned about the Asch Experiment here, but I also walked away with a different idea - the exploration of the political brain. In my inquiry I was not fond of the frame Dr Drew Weston ironically "drew" up, chiefly because I don't want people telling me what to do or how to think or how people should be targeted or manipulated, but I like the idea introduced here of the "political brain" - and when I read Michael Schermer's Huffington Post article of the same name, he is talking about stuff in 2006 which is still highly relevant today. That "stuff' is confirmation bias. Yet Shermer is doing way more than addressing our bias, he is referring to brain studies that introduced me to the "the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex" because he says that this is a part of the brain associated with reasoning. Beyond confirmation bias, this indicates reasoning as to how each of our minds are wired. This may mean that our brains make us more an organic computer than a free-thinking human being, which in turn challenges me what actually makes think?

Lyon Brave

7年前 #4

These articles are only for rhetoric perspective. I would never want to do without democracy. I would however like to better educate people because people do make bad decisions when voting. Seriously, locking up immigrants FOREVER, because they don't have an ID card is ridiculous punishment. Democracy creates a lot of bad decisions, but so does a dictatorship. These are simply articles. I could write about anything under the sun.

Lyon Brave

7年前 #3

These articles are only for rhetoric perspective. I would never want to do with democracy. I would however like to better educate people because people do make bad decisions when voting. Seriously, locking up immigrants FOREVER, because they don't have an ID card is ridiculous punishment. Democracy creates a lot of bad decisions, but so does a dictatorship. These are simply articles. I could write about anything under the sun.

CityVP Manjit

7年前 #2

This is the first time I have heard about the The Asch Conformity Experiments, and that is a useful addition to the articulation of group-think and much more useful than using metaphors of sheep. The process of communication I want to learn includes how to level set. My parents are working folk, protected us from ghetto conditions and now ironically, I am trying to understand working folk. The power of corporations in America is breathtaking and the American political system today is a slave to corporate needs, the needs of business elites contributes to all forms of atrocities, incarcerations and wars on our planet. If the priests started this ownership, the Corporates have perfected their own church of capitalism today. I can continue this thought on and on and fill paragraphs of what is, eventually this path I am on reinforces me as an elitist, and so if I am going to elite, I may as well choose my elite right now. I choose the digital elite - these are the new kids on the block and beBee that is carving its pathway to become another of the digital behemoths. Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft as well as Apple etc are the new corporate players but they are also among the digital elites. Personally my digital elitism is focused on a global context because I find it suffocating to view the world from an American-centric world. If countries emulate junk food like MacDonalds or junk news like CNN, they are not following an American model, they are following a global corporate one. If the elite is where the individual lives, then I am free of the group, but the groups I am interested includes what makes for the 21st Century woman. Our century can be witness to that if history is shaping us, or it is more and more of the same old same old. I look forward to your contributions Lyon Brave, this is my way of saying WELCOME !

Harvey Lloyd

7年前 #1

Your honesty here is commendable. Your discussion of the experiment of straws is telling. I don't think individually we are short of intellect. It is within the group that we act as though we lack any cognitive abilities. Political candidates, since TV came into our lives, have honed the skills of understanding group think. Simple phrases and comments were used to start groups up or destroy the group. The war is getting worst and its not healthy for our country. Smart is not sellable. Feelings tied to emotional stimulus is. I have witnessed trump/obama/clinton use this technique to charge a room. Watching the republican debates was the most amazing use of this technique as you watched trump dump feelings and emotional bombs that stifled the challengers. I enjoyed this sensible read on the human dynamic and group think phenomena.

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