关于Dingze Yu:
I am Dingze Yu who is now studying at NYU.
I am a solid software developer with a bunch of development experience in Java. I have worked at China Telecom as a data analyst intern. When I am at China Telecom, I worked on development and maintenance of the data analysis system. I Improved SQL query speed and set up visualization for it. Thanks to this intern experience, I realized I love to work in a fast- paced environment to face challenges and enjoy joy and pride after solving difficulties.
I also have development experience on a Backend web application primarily with Java Spring. I think my Java Spring skill has a good match with this position.
Flask/ React based Car Renting Service
• Conducted web service with Python, Flask, MySQL, ReactJS for online car-renting service
• Implemented backend with Flask and job queue with Redis and Celery for better performance and scalability
• Configured the CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI and GitHub Webhooks for automated build, deploy, and test processes
• Deployed the application on AWS EC2 using Docker, Nginx, Gunicorn for seamless and efficient system deployment • Integrated user authentication with Flask-Dance to support third-party (Facebook, GitHub) users
• Developed the Ajax-based frontend with ReactJS and Redux for middleware and reducer
Spring/ React based Teaching Management System May. 2022 - Nov. 2022 • Developed a web service using Java, Spring Boot, MySQL for an online teaching resource management system
• Implemented a Spring MVC backend on MySQL and Redis with Spring Data JPA
• Conducted CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI and GitHub Webhooks to automate the build, deploy and test processing • Implemented complex query capabilities with MyBatis and permissions management with Shiro
• Collaborated with frontend developers to integrate a dynamic web interface using ReactJS and Redux for an en- hanced user experience
Pytorch/ Django/ React based Meta-Learning on Image Quality Assessment Sep. 2021 - Apr. 2022
• Built the assessment model with Python, Pytorch, Django, ReactJS and integrated with Transfer Learning Model
• Developed a facial IQA model and a facial IQA grading model using Pytorch with MAML algorithm and Transfer Learning on ResNet-34 network architecture
• Deployed the two models to TorchServe and integrated the AI service with Django backend
• Developed Ajax based frontend with jQuery, Bootstrap for dynamic web pages
• Implemented facial image management with Django-Storage integrated with AWS S3
New York University, New York – Master of Computer Engineering
Xidian University, China – Bachelor of Electronic Engineering