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Turn Getting Scammed Into Gold.

Lyon Brave · How to avoid scams is a good questions in the 21st century because everyone is looking for get rich quick schemes even you. In fact, the reason you attract scams is because you are looking for fast money. My dad used to say money that arrives fast disappears fast.  · If they say ...


In the Company of “Nones”

Dean Owen · What do I have in common with Richard Branson, Stephen Hawking, Thomas Edison, and possibly Ernest Hemingway? · I kid myself that the first word that sprung in your mind was “genius”, but if you look at my grades at school, clearly you’d be mistaken. · What we do share is a lac ...


  • Tencent


    发现在: Talent CN S2 - 3天前

    Tencent Shanghai, 中国

    新社交产品-资深3D场景设计 上海 分享 分享岗位 · 方式1:复制岗位链接 · 方式2:分享岗位海报 · 手机扫描二维码分享 · 收藏 IEG 点击了解更多BG信息 设计 五年以上工作经验 更新于年02月29日 岗位职责 1.根据原画及策划案,产出以匹配项目美术风格的3D场景及各项制作规范并协同TA和开发落地最终版本;2.负责游戏内独立3D场景的搭建,根据需求利用资产搭建场景、调整及优化物件在关卡中的效果,能对总体画面氛围进行把控;3.对游戏场景进行打光、后效设定、优化参数设置等,统一美术场景内美术风格和品质;4.熟悉各类常用的3D软件, ...

  • Tencent


    发现在: Talent CN S2 - 3天前

    Tencent Beijing, 中国

    搜狗输入法PC版客户端开发高级工程师 北京 分享 分享岗位 · 方式1:复制岗位链接 · 方式2:分享岗位海报 · 手机扫描二维码分享 · 收藏 PCG 点击了解更多BG信息 技术 五年以上工作经验 更新于年04月08日 岗位职责 1.负责亿级产品的客户端功能架构设计和开发工作,为用户提供优质的信息服务和极致体验;2.负责输入法PC客户端相关业务架构设计以及持续演进,打造团队核心技术竞争力;3.负责重点技术难题和项目攻关,协调内外部资源,有落地拿结果能力。 · 岗位要求 1.5年以上Windows平台开发经验;2.扎实的C++技术功底,良 ...

  • Bracell

    BD/SSL Senior Manager

    发现在: Talent CN S2 - 4天前

    Bracell Jiangsu, 中国

    Desenvolva sua carreira conosco · Você está prestes a ingressar em uma incrível jornada para melhorar milhares de vidas através do desenvolvimento de recursos de forma sustentável e fazer parte da nossa história de sucesso. Aqui, nós oferecemos um ambiente de trabalho dinâmico o ...

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